Bhutan Internet Exchange Association would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following:

DITT, Ministry of Information and Communication, Royal Government of Bhutan
“for their support in bringing together all relevant stakeholders including ISPs and paving the way for the creation of Bhutan Internet Exchange. They have also provided an equipment rack as well as a switch which has immensely helped in kickstarting the setup of the first Internet Exchange in Bhutan, btIX-TTPL.”

Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority
“for granting IXP facility License and waiving off the licensing fees completely in support of Bhutan Internet Exchange and the Bhutanese Internet community.”

Thimphu Techpark Limited
“for providing space for the IX Infrastructure at a neutral location within TTPL and graciously waiving off the first year rental fees.”

Asia Pacific Internet Association (APIA)
“for donating two servers presently used to run the IX services /applications.”

Bhutan Telecom Limited
“for graciously agreeing to provide the domain and committing to waive off the registration fees for one year.”
All the technical teams from Nano, DCS, DITT, TashiCell
“for helping with the physical setup of the IXP infrastructure and connectivity.”

TashiCell, Tashi InfoComm Limited
“for volunteering to setup the IX platform and necessary services / applications as well as undertake the operations and maintenance of the Bhutan Internet Exchange during the startup period besides providing internet transit for IX services and also making a router available for the Bhutan Internet Exchange during the startup period.”

The great people behind IXP Manger and INEX
“A big shout out to you guys for making this wonderful IXP management solution.”

Dr. Philip F Smith and Tashi Phuntsho (FlexOptix)
“for their unwavering support to the Bhutanese Internet Community, especially for all the coaxing, cajoling and working behind the scenes to make btIX happen.”

Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC)
“for sponsoring the k.root dns server hardware which is currently live at btIX.”